Bank Your Story
I want to help you Bank Your Personal Story. When you share your personal story, it can transform another person’s life.
Several years ago, I wrote and finished a full-length book. It took me years and involved hours, days, and months pouring over research, finding great examples, and honing my writing skills. And then…when it was finally finished, I chose not to publish it. What? Had I lost my mind…well, yes, there’s that possibility for sure….smile…but seriously, I chose to refocus my energies (and Yes, I will publish it).
Why am I telling you this?
Because in the process of writing the book, I came to one realization: “This is a lot of work and not everyone has the time and opportunity to write a full-length book!” At that moment, I had the idea to help people publish their real-life stories. I thought of all of the friends and acquaintances with whom I’d sat over lunch and heard about a pivotal time that affected the rest of their lives. I was always inspired. I wanted them to share their story. Many of them have and they are in this blog.

The Personal Stories Spanned Many Topics
Some had personal stories that included Pivotal Career Changes, like Cathy, the attorney, and Susan, the doctor.
Some had personal stories of Transformational Moments like Edgar when he confronted his nemesis or Christina Martinez when she confronted her failures.
Some had personal stories that involved Character and Integrity Choices like Michael Graham, (who struggled to win his integrity back) or Quintin Guinn who found his integrity cost him his job (but lead him to a better one).
Some had personal stories of incredible Obstacles in Life that led to great victories like Angela Gabel’s, She overcame with her Can Do spirit, in spite of having no functional arms or legs. Or my own time of challenge with Alex, with whom I worked so diligently, hoping to inspire.
Some had personal stories of unexpected Breakthroughs when the time they spent developing their skills finally paid off, people like Jamie Hingtgen (who became a decision-making tycoon); or Dale and Tony, whose skills won them a business; or Pelham, who started blogging at 72.

I Will Publish Your Personal Story
When I get enough stories to compile them into a book, I will publish it. This is a labor of love and any profit will be plowed back into the next book or donated to charity (so you get to make an impact twice–once with your story and once by giving to charity). My purpose is to inspire and uplift the writer and the reader.
As a writer, you get to be “published” and see your name in print. I will gladly include a reference to your business or website if that will help, so you will gain some visibility from it. If you want to remain anonymous, that is okay too (just let me know).

The Purpose is to Inspire and Make a Difference
Our joint purpose is to inspire, instruct, and give people real-life examples so they are on fire with a Can-Do Spirit! If you would like to join me in this endeavor, please download the Guidelines and Requirements and read all the Legalese stuff that my Mr. Lawyer told me I needed. 😉
Personal stories inspire, transform, and change lives. There is no greater power than a great example, especially one that we can identify with.
Here’s to a mutual endeavor to inspire the world! Let’s do it together and Make it Happen!

Your Greatest Disadvantage Could Become Your Greatest BLESSING
George Washington was childless. No doubt, this was a cause of great concern to him and perhaps a situation he often found baffling..Read More

HOW TO ENCOURAGE SOMEONE: 3 Tips that Worked for Me
For one year, I taught fifth grade. And one child stole my heart: Alex. As a fifth grader, Alex’s grades never exceeded a “D” or “F.”Read More

He Picked Us to Buy His Business Because of Our WORK ETHIC
We will never forget the day the owner of the shop next door stopped by and asked our manager, “Who are your best mechanics?”Read More

OVERCOMING OBSTACLES: Angela Uses Physical Challenges as Motivation
She has made adaptive choices since childhood, using her mouth, lips, and tongue to open, write, and maneuver her way through life.Read More

Medical School at Age 45? How 2 REOCCURRING DREAMS Guided Me
In one of the Indiana Jones movies, there is a scene where Indiana was between two chasms and across them spanned a bridge, but he hadRead More

CONFRONTING A “BULLY” Gave Me Life Confidence at a Young Age
I confronted a bully at only three years old and ironically, this defining moment, gave me confidence for the rest of my life. I livedRead More

How A PROFESSIONAL COACH Got Me Unstuck & Into My Law Career
The road to becoming a lawyer had its challenges but it was the Bar Exam, waiting for me at the end of three years of law school thatRead More

It wasn’t easy to rebuild trust in my relationships because the problem started pretty early. Actually, it was sixth grade. I found aRead More

I QUIT MY JOB (Actually, I Made A Choice That Got Me Fired)
I had been relocated by my company to a new city, halfway across the earth….well, Okay, halfway across the U.S. Within weeks of thisRead More

Overcoming My OBSTACLES IN LIFE: Mom in Jail; Me a Dropout
Mom was in jail and I was a drop-out. My greatest struggle was about to be my greatest triumph. I was only 16 and for the second time,Read More
I want to help you Bank Your Story. When you share your story, it can transform another person’s life. When I was writing my book, I realized how many people have an amazing story to share…