
COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES are Useful But Should be Invisible

I think of communication techniques like the bones in your body:  They lend support but are not supposed to be seen or obvious…

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INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT: Settle with Insight or Negotiation?

Want to make any relationship better? Try insight instead of negotiation.  Understanding the why of a person’s motivation, fears, and concerns…

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Open Body Language: Are You Sending the Right Message?

Before you ever interpret someone’s body language, you must know these three basic rules. They will help you in your course & your videos…

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CONFLICT RESOLUTION SKILLS: How to Replace Volume with Skill

Rather than expressing our emotions, our issues, and our requests with solid communication accuracy, we instead just increase the volume in conflict.  Unfortunately, this lowers the odds of being heard. 

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Use NEGATIVE ENERGY as Rocket Fuel (But Do It Sparingly)

Negative Energy, such as anger can be a highly effective motivator, but only in the short-term.  I was dumpster diving.  I admit it.

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OPEN COMMUNICATION-Build It (An Opportunity). They Will Come

Open communication is a key factor in the success of any business, organization or team. It is a process that involves the sharing of

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The NATURE OF COMMUNICATION: People Fill in the Blanks Fast

Being an entrepreneur, creating and selling an online course in your area of expertise, and/or doing life coaching demands excellent

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(Using Knowledge You Already Have)

    PROFIT: Bank Your Communication™

    PROFIT: Bank Your Business™

    NICHE: Follow Your Fit™