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WHAT MAKES A GOOD E-Course TEACHER? 8 Tactics for Excellence

When you are creating your course, your quality of teaching can make or break the success of that course. These 8 choices are key…

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Words TRAIN YOUR BRAIN: “I Can’t Help It” is Powerlessness

Think of your brain (and all human brains) like clay that can be sculpted with small incremental shifts—which will then pivot your life in one way or another.

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COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES are Useful But Should be Invisible

I think of communication techniques like the bones in your body:  They lend support but are not supposed to be seen or obvious…

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Add This NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUE & Your Closing Rate Is 90%

Use this simple negotiation technique that psychology says will take your closing rate to 90%. Is the casual conversation that goes on before a negotiation really that impactful? Research says it is.

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SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLS: Is Feedback Your Gold or Kryptonite

Feedback is the Holy Grail of self-management and emotional intelligence.  Feedback should be enthusiastically welcomed, even “negative”…

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Geniuses, Madmen & You: 10 Super Traits of CREATIVE PEOPLE

Creative people have 10 traits are a mix of contradictions. But those personality traits are the environment for creativity to flourish.

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IMPOSTER SYNDROME (Lie): I’m Not Good Enough to Teach This!

You learn by teaching.  It’s the very act of teaching it–and putting your content (and yourself) out there that will give you confidence and enough knowledge to “hold your own.”

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Find a TRUSTED ADVISOR (& Profit) So You Are Not Alone

Trusted Advisor can make the difference between success and failure. Our own judgment can be skewed, too self-critical and sometimes too ego-driven.

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KNOWLEDGE WORKERS are the New Rock Stars

KNOWLEDGE WORKERS are the New Rock Stars (& the New Rich)

Knowledge workers are the new rock stars and the new rich.  Through your efforts and expertise, you curate, organize and then sell information.

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12 TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE You Need to Create Your Course

Did you know that having the right knowledge can dramatically impact your success and your income? There are 12 types of knowledge

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(Using Knowledge You Already Have)

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    PROFIT: Bank Your Business™

    NICHE: Follow Your Fit™