Core Beliefs:  5 Foundational Pillars

The Core Beliefs that guide your life, your peak performance to the next level of excellence and mastery.

My coaching is founded on the belief that people want to cultivate what is best within themselves and others, lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, and pursue excellence and mastery.


Core Belief #1:  Challenge Yourself to Be the Tip of the Stem.

We seek to be “Tip of the Stem” beings.  We all desire to be and give our best.  The only way to do that is to be committed to the Growth Curve–the Tip of the Stem–the part of the plant that is growing.

Breakthrough Coaching is intended to take you to the next level in your life and your business.

I studied Positive Psychology at Harvard and that is always my orientation in coaching.

In the beginning, Positive Psychology was revolutionary.  Up until the birth of Positive Psychology, psychology was based mostly on the study of dysfunction—what didn’t work and why.  Then, a different line of thought took hold in psychology.

  • Why are we studying the people who struggle the most?
  • Why don’t we study the ones who excel?
  • What are they doing and why?

And a whole new branch of psychology was born.

As I mentioned, Positive Psychology studies the “Tip of the Stem.”  The Tip of the Stem of the plant is the part of the plant that is growing, moving, and thrusting forward.

And that’s us!  You and I are in that group and together, we can change the world.  We can make a difference.

It doesn’t mean we don’t struggle.  Far from it.  But we choose resilience and a commitment to overcome.

I promise to share with you everything I know from research, Harvard courses, and personal experience.

pillars2. Core Belief #2:  We are Wholistic, Integrated Beings

Our professional and personal lives intersect.

Personal struggles influence us professionally and professional struggles influence us personally.

Compartmentalizing may help you get through difficult places, but emotional health is about being a fully integrated being.

Smart and Heart with circle around it3.  Core Belief #3:  We Need Smart and Heart.

The philosophy of Breakthrough Coaching is to help you blend Smart and Heart™ for optimal results in your life, your niche, and your business.   Over and over, research bears out that Smart and Heart™ is the winning combination.  With that in mind, I seek to share knowledge that is informational as well as transformational.

To call on a sports analogy, if you have a very motivating coach who does not know the technique, strategy, or what it takes to win, the motivation will ring hollow.  On the other hand, if you have a smart tactical coach who doesn’t have the heart to create loyalty, drive, and passion in his/her players, all the techniques in the world don’t matter.

Art and science.  The Greats got it right.  Heinrich von Schlegel, the German philosopher, said “Every art should become science and every science should become art.”  Edison talked about inspiration and perspiration.  Daniel Goldman found that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is as important for success as IQ.  (EQ is about people skills and self-management.) Aristotle said, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”

So, we are on this journey together to use your Smart and Heart™ to make a difference in this world using your knowledge, your talents, and your passion.


Core Belief # 4. PsychLogic is Different from Mental Logic.

PsychLogic is understanding that what doesn’t make sense logically, often makes sense psychologically. Psychologically, all behavior is purposeful and all behavior is based on a belief system.  Identifying these purposes and beliefs helps facilitate “unstuckness.”  (I have permission from Webster to invent words if I want to.)  😉

Using PsychLogic as a strategic technique, I have often been able to help clients get unstuck.  It is often the missing piece that explains self-defeating behavior.  It’s great to be growing, but we’re human and sometimes we get very stuck.  PsychLogic is the way out of those stuck places.  I have very specific coaching exercises that can transform your stuck places.

Want to know how to overcome?

Core Belief # 5. Find One Ally.

In resilience research, they found if a child had One Ally, that child was primed to overcome almost any hardship.  A teacher, an aunt, a pastor, a rabbi, a neighbor….someone…who served as an example, a motivator, and a mentor could make all the difference in an individual’s life.

And the same principle of One Ally was found with jurors.  Rarely could one lone juror hold out against the other jurors…..unless…  Unless……that juror had One Ally.

Overcomers’ secret weapon is One Ally.  One person somewhere who believed in them was rooting for them, and cheering them on.

Think of me as that One Ally.  That’s what I’m here to do for you.  Cheer you on.  Tell you to take one more step when you think you can’t.  Push the envelope.  Keep going!  You can do it!

I will be your One Ally in Breakthrough Coaching.


(Using Knowledge You Already Have)

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