
CAREER SHIFT: Think Like an Entrepreneur, Not an Employee

Aaron had worked for the same company for nineteen years, and made a good salary but, in his own words, was in a rut. Entrepreneurship was the way out.

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He Picked Us to Buy His Business Because of Our WORK ETHIC

We will never forget the day the owner of the shop next door stopped by and asked our manager, “Who are your best mechanics?”

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BRAND DEVELOPMENT: How to Catch Your Break, Says Seinfeld

Branding development is an essential part of any business, large or small. It’s a key factor in creating a positive and lasting impression

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The Solution to the PETER PRINCIPLE is to Follow Your Fit™

In contrast to the Peter Principle is a more important principle: Follow Your Fit. Tom was a loan officer in a small bank, but not just any loan officer—he was the top one, and the best by a long shot. 

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Should you Turn Your PASSION PROJECT Into a Business?

Intrinsic satisfaction means doing something because it’s personally rewarding to you. Extrinsic satisfaction means you are doing

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The RAPID DECISION-MAKING Experience That Changed My Life

Being a rapid decision maker put me ahead in my Air Force career. Here’s how I learned that skill. I have had to compete against hundreds of my peers and colleagues over a

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(Using Knowledge You Already Have)

    PROFIT: Bank Your Communication™

    PROFIT: Bank Your Business™

    NICHE: Follow Your Fit™