
“You Make me So Mad”: How PERSONAL BELIEFS Keep You Stuck

Saying “I feel anger” is a world apart from saying “You make me so mad.” I know this may seem like inconsequential word splitting, but it isn’t.

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COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES are Useful But Should be Invisible

I think of communication techniques like the bones in your body:  They lend support but are not supposed to be seen or obvious…

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INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT: Settle with Insight or Negotiation?

Want to make any relationship better? Try insight instead of negotiation.  Understanding the why of a person’s motivation, fears, and concerns…

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In Your Course, Be Both Hero & Human: The LEADERSHIP PARADOX

Leaders are required to navigate a fast-moving freeway between being a Superhero on the one hand and a Real Human on the other.

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Open Body Language: Are You Sending the Right Message?

Before you ever interpret someone’s body language, you must know these three basic rules. They will help you in your course & your videos…

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12 Most PERSUASIVE WORDS in the English Language

Marketing experts have identifying the most powerful words in advertising that have a strong impact on consumers and their buying habits.

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Add This NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUE & Your Closing Rate Is 90%

Use this simple negotiation technique that psychology says will take your closing rate to 90%. Is the casual conversation that goes on before a negotiation really that impactful? Research says it is.

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CONFLICT RESOLUTION SKILLS: How to Replace Volume with Skill

Rather than expressing our emotions, our issues, and our requests with solid communication accuracy, we instead just increase the volume in conflict.  Unfortunately, this lowers the odds of being heard. 

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PROTECT YOUR ENERGY, Business & Sanity: Avoid 1 Wrong Person

Protect your energy, business, & sanity by understanding this Good/Bad Ratio. Bad weighs more than good: One bad person can destroy

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CHANGE IS GOOD But The Wrong Method Will Make Your Miserable

As a coach, course creator, or CEO, you are often asking your clients or employees to go through change and change is often rewarding

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