Multiply Yourself and Your Income with Knowledge Products
If you’re a local business owner, service professional, online entrepreneur, coach, consultant, or knowledge expert looking to expand your income while creating leverage from your knowledge and for your biz, then you probably already know that you need to create an online training course.
So, I’ll spare you the spiel.
No need to convince you of something that’s already been drilled deep into that expert mind of yours. You need to share what you know.
You probably already know that the most lucrative, sought after commodity today is knowledge and that an online course is the great multiplier of wealth and influence (for both you and the person taking the course.)
After all, you probably already KNOW that creating a successful online course is the key tipping point that will allow you to leverage your time and expertise, impact more people, and scale your income.
You’ve probably also heard that the online training industry is experiencing meteoric growth (tripling in ten years) and is worth roughly 325 Billion dollars. (Source: Market Research Firm Global Industry Analysts
We help businesses and business owners thrive and profit from the Knowledge Economy. Our specialty is Income Multiplication by creating Knowledge Products.
The Knowledge Economy affords everyone the opportunity to now make a living AND a life by sharing what you know with others.
Specialized knowledge—especially knowledge that teaches people how to directly profit and build a business from that knowledge—is in high demand worldwide. Online courses from experts sell at a price point of $1,000 and up. Because they are delivered virtually, they are efficient, seamless, and a passive source of income. Best of all, they pass on your well-earned expertise to hungry learners changing their life in the process.
Create Passive Income through an Online Course
Our mission at Bank Your Knowledge is to help Knowledge Entrepreneurs and experts develop your gifts, your callings, and your passions and to help you create as much income as desired. In order to create scalable wealth you need three things: a bank (not the kind you’re thinking), a brother, and a bridge. 1) You need a Bank of Knowledge, expertise and credibility. 2) You need a Brother. A brother is someone on the other side of the bridge whose life you want to impact by sharing your knowledge. 3) You need a Bridge, a conduit, a pipeline to share that knowledge. That bridge is a digital course. Our mission is to make that happen for you.