Choose 3 CORE VALUES (& Practice Them Like Ben Franklin Did)
Consciously Define Your 3 Core Values & Consciously Practice Them. Groucho Marx, the famed comedian said, “Those are my principles and if you don’t like them…
WHAT ARE VALUES? (They matter in choosing a niche)
In one of my all-time favorite quotes, Thomas Jefferson said, “In matters of taste swim with the…
Your Greatest Disadvantage Could Become Your Greatest BLESSING
George Washington was childless. No doubt, this was a cause of great concern to him and perhaps a situation he often found baffling..
The IDEAL WORK ENVIRONMENT is Where You (& Your Employees) Fit
The ideal work environment is one that fits. Nothing positions you or your employees for success like fit. The benefits are enormous…
SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLS: Is Feedback Your Gold or Kryptonite
Feedback is the Holy Grail of self-management and emotional intelligence. Feedback should be enthusiastically welcomed, even “negative”…
INTRApersonal INTELLIGENCE: Make Who You Are Work For You
Intrapersonal Intelligence is having a keen Knowledge of the Self. But, in order to have that intelligence, …
NATURE VS. NURTURE: Which One Impacts You Most?
If you want to Follow Your Fit™, you need to understand the difference between nature vs. nurture. You use both to find your ideal niche.
Geniuses, Madmen & You: 10 Super Traits of CREATIVE PEOPLE
Creative people have 10 traits are a mix of contradictions. But those personality traits are the environment for creativity to flourish.
Find a TRUSTED ADVISOR (& Profit) So You Are Not Alone
Trusted Advisor can make the difference between success and failure. Our own judgment can be skewed, too self-critical and sometimes too ego-driven.
PUNISHED FOR STRENGTHS at Work? 5 Ways to Follow Your Fit™
Albert Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.