Case Studies of PXT Select™ ASSESSMENT

Case Studies of companies using the PXT Select.  One of the greatest benefits of PXT Assessment is it’s customizable.  The cherished outcome is to get to “Fit,” and sometimes that fit is dependent on location, manager, industry, and a host of other things.  All of these variables can be integrated into the assessment to get to Fit.

You’re only as good as the people you hire.” Peter Burwash

Case Study: Hospital

A general hospital network operating in several Western states faced major challenges in hiring and retaining nurses in their Oncology Department.

Over time, the nurse retention issues got so bad that a third of new oncology hires in their RN (registered nurse) positions failed before their six-month anniversary; and a whopping 40 percent of new CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) hires failed before that point! The hospital’s own calculations placed the cost of each failed hire at over $80,000!

This case study demonstrates how using the PXT Select™ assessment to guide both their hiring and onboarding process, helped the hospital create a dynamic interview process, accurate Success Models, and a successful mentorship program, ultimately reducing their retention and hiring issues.

Case Study:  Convenience Stores

Twelve convenience stores in the Dallas, Texas area used the PXT Assessment, but in order to get “fit,” a different Success Model had to be created for each store.

Wasn’t the job the same in each store? All twelve stores were owned by the same company and had the same name, but one important variable had to be factored in:  Location.

Some stores were located in the very affluent Dallas suburbs; others were located in the rougher parts of the city.

A different type of manager was needed in the affluent areas where most of the patrons were well-paid, well-mannered, and respectful to the staff and managers.  But in other areas, patrons held low-end jobs, were not respectful to the staff, and the store had a high theft problem.

This case study demonstrates the customizability of the PXT Select™.  The owners were able to refine the “fit”, not just to find the right person for the right job, but also for the right location.  Turnover was dramatically reduced.

Case Study:  Chevrolet Dealership

The business wanted to raise the productivity of its sales force. The average of the top-performing salespersons only attained 67% of what the company wanted them to achieve.

Initially, the company did not know exactly what variables (cognitive, behavioral or interest) needed to be tweaked. But the company used the PXT Select to refine the Fit.  First, they chose a group that they felt had the highest potential to achieve, based on several criteria.  They looked at those who had made the most progress (and seemed to do the best with what they had). They then coached them.   This became the new Success Model.

One year down the road, they looked at the results again.  They found that changes again needed to be made—some minor and some drastic.

They tweaked the Success Model again based on the new data.  Eventually, they perfected the hiring instrument to get exactly what they knew worked in that field and that specific dealership.

This case study demonstrates that the PXT Select™ can grow with your company and can be refined as you go along.  It is an incredibly flexible hiring tool. 

Case Study:  Accounting Firms

A study found that at least eight distinct work environments exist for management accountants, each requiring a different set of personality traits to satisfy the demands of the job. A mismatch of personality traits and the work environment creates an undesirable fit (misfit) between the management accountant and the job.  This caused job stress, job dissatisfaction, illness, lowered self-esteem, and intent to turnover  (Cluskey, 1995).

One such mismatch was with a young accountant right out of college.  She scored very high on the cognitive math score.  She also scored high on extraversion.  Her first job out of college was with an accounting firm where she was stuck in a small room by herself, basically doing data processing. She was not happy because she missed social interaction.  Because of her extroversion, she would have been much better suited to being an auditor or a marketer of the business where her skills with numbers and people “Fit”.

In one study, the researchers found that in accounting firms reveals that new accountants in accounting firm, who join firms where the fit of their own values to the accounting firms’ culture is high, are more likely to be satisfied, productive, committed, and remain with the accounting firms two years later 2.  They also adjust more quickly to the culture 3.

This case study demonstrates the value of using the PXT Select™  for new hires.  By using it, the firm is more likely to keep its best talent and place them in the right “fit” from the beginning.


1 Cluskey, G. R., Jr. (1995). Accounting position misfit, occupational job stressors, stress, and job strains on management accountants. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities & Social Sciences, 56(3-A), 1009.

2 O’Reilly, C. A., Chatman, J., & Caldwell, D. F. (1991). People and organizational culture:  A profiles comparison approach to assessing person-organization fit. Academy of Management Journal, 34, 487-516. Retrieved from

3 Chatman, J. (1991). Matching people and organizations:  Selection and socialization in public accounting firms. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36, 459-484. Retrieved from


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