Course Creation Bio

Client List:

  • Southwest Airlines
  • Intel
  • IBM
  • Ford
  • Verizon
  • Kinkos
  • Kelloggs
  • M & M, Mars
  • Century 21 Real Estate
  • New York Life Insurance
  • Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
  • Honeywell
  • ADT
  • Sprint
  • Solo Cup
  • PalletOne
  • Magic Radio
  • Garato (Brazilian Candy Company)
  • Bohannan Huston
  • U.S. Department of Energy
  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Created and delivered Executive Education courses on Entrepreneurship for:

  • SBA (Small Business Administration)
  • American Management Association,
  • Texas Tech University
  • University of Arizona
  • Arizona State
  • New Mexico State University
  • University of New Mexico

Additionally, I have created and delivered courses for these industries:

Radio, banks, hotels, restaurants, tech, accounting, chiropractic, dental, nursing, EMT’s (Emergency Medical Technicians), construction, carpentry, credit unions, personnel agencies, and others.

Career Bio:

Top-rated speaker at the following Career Conferences:

  • Governor’s Career Day Conference
  • Redefining Success:  A Conference for Women
  • Women in Transition Conference
  • National Employment Counseling Association Conference
  • National Forum of Issues in Vocational Evaluation & Assessment
  • EEOC conference (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • SW Regional Nat. Rehab. Assoc. Conference

Career Counselor Training and Assessment:

  • U.S. Veterans Association
  • U.S. Job Corps
  • Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • States of Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Utah, Hawaii, Kansas, Ohio, Idaho, Iowa, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma Texas


Tamela is a much-requested speaker at national and international conferences, being consistently among the most highly rated of conference speakers. Conferences (including, but not limited to):

  • National Conference of Lieutenant Governors
  • National Creativity Conference
  • Women’s Leadership Forum
  • Conference held during the Founding of the only Women’s Museum in the U.S.


  • Institute of Intercultural Community Leadership- Founding Facilitator

Mediation Training

  • Core Mediator for the U.S. Postal Service
  • Harvard Law School Mediation Training (40 hrs.)
  • United States Postal Service Mediation Training (40 hrs.)
  • University of New Mexico Law School (40 hrs.)


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